Maintaining Your Vitamins

Maintaining Your Vitamins

It’s important to understand the importance of storing your vitamins and supplements. Supplements do expire and become less effective with time. After purchase, remember the tips below to preserve your vitamins potency. (Plus, that cabinet spring clean and purge will...
A Hard Pill To Swallow

A Hard Pill To Swallow

Taking your vitamins, supplements and herbs can feel like more of a chore than a reward. Compliance is important, and we only reap the benefits if we use the products. As my friend, Becca once said “This magnesium isn’t working. To be fair to the magnesium…I...
Shopping List: Student Support

Shopping List: Student Support

Our wellness team has put together a list of must-have items to support students all year round.  Screen Vision Bluelight Filter Glasses   Michael Roger Decomposition Notebook   Natural Factors Marine DHA   Pranarom Mental Clarity Essential Oil New...