Why did I start re-growing my little romaine butts, my baby bok choy and anything else that would reincarnate before my eyes? I would like to tell you it was due to a well-planned out science experiment for my now homeschooled first grader. Or, maybe that it was just my ancient American settler roots springing into action during our time of crisis. But nope, my regrowth movement was born out of massive guilt from me unintentionally stock piling just a wee too many heads of garlic and russet potatoes mixed with a sprinkling of worry over the rumors that seed supplies were diminishing

As it turns out, there’s no need to worry, New Morning Market is brimming with organic seeds, sweet little starter plants and even those nifty little fresh fruits and veggies that are already all grown and ready for your table.
Anyhow, it’s been a lot of fun to see the leaves pop from my organic potato sprouts, watch new little romaine leaves emerge, and dream about the avocado tree that will be big and strong and bearing foliage long after the current woes and worries are behind us, and as we begin to heal as individuals and communities.

As is evident, I am a food regrowth rookie, so we have compiled some great tips and tricks from the pros on our Pinterest page.
If you have concerns about your own nutrition security during this crisis you can visit http://www.ctfoodbank.org/ for details on how you can receive support.
If you would like to know how you can help your local foodbank, you can reach out to us at Contact@NewMorn.com and we can help you find your local nutrition security efforts.

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