Social Responsibility
Our Social Responsibility Statement
As we move towards greater understanding of injustice and systemic racism, research ways to be better allies to all, and look inward to ourselves and our organization at ways we can increase our knowledge and our empathy, we are expanding our approach to our philanthropic efforts.
We acknowledge that this is just a start. We will continue to examine our own privilege, we will build bridges, not walls, and we will hold ourselves accountable.
“Do your little bit of good where you are;
it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
― Desmond Tutu
New Morning Market works to create an environment where trust and care are at the center of all we do. From our customers, to our employees, to the way we source our products, and to our community, we strive to learn and share ways to support each other and the planet and work towards an environment of fairness, diversity, respect.
Please revisit this page as we share the ways that we put our values into action.
Round-up for a Cause
This month we are excited to be partnering with CitySeed to support their mission of growing an equitable, local food system that promotes economic development, community development and sustainable agriculture.
CitySeed | New Haven, CT
CitySeed is a nonprofit organization that seeks to provide all New Haven residents with access to fresh, local food while also building economic opportunity in the food system.
A Huge Thank You to Our Community!
During the months of September to November of 2020, we raised $1028.67 for CT Food Bank.
We thank you all for your continued support.